darkness that we have been under for so long! Nothing riles me more than to hear someone condemn a group of "different" people just because the speaker doesn't know (nor in most cases care) a thing about them. He bases his decision of prejudice on the word of mouth or biased opinions of others like himself. I hope to God, that no one can ever accuse me of doing anything like that!
I maintain the philosophy that "if you ain't tried it, don't knock it!" So far, I've managed to survive in a highly competitive business using this basic premise.
I am working on a short story that I hope may meet your approval for publication in TVia. It is a story about me and my wife arriving at a compromise on Leah. The only thing I ask is that you do not use my name. I must remain a "ghost", if not for personal reasons, at least for professional ones.
Dear Virginia
I experienced the now familiar sense of elation upon receiving my copy of TRANSVESTIA.
My joy was doubled upon finding your femmenote and of course I can only comply with your request and relate for the leadership the experience as it happened.
Well girls, as with many of you out there, my sister spends much of her life in the "closet" due to family and professional pressures. In fact she spends far too much time in there. But her presence is not to be denied and of the last eight years, Helen has been masquerading as Rob to earn a living.